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Bluetooth Numpad Jogging

Bluetooth Numpad JoggingThe bluetooth numpad (bNP) is setup for Shapeoko jogging. Using it requires the USB dongle labeled NumPad, that the keyboard Num Lock is off (bNP top left key or keyboard Num Lock key) and that Estlcam keyboard control is turned on (bNP bottom right ON key or keyboard Delete key). The bottom right keyboard icon on the controller interface can also be used, it will change color when keyboard control is turned on or off.

Pressing an arrow key will slowly jog the router in the desired direction. Also pressing a percent key (arrow + % or % + arrow) will increase the speed. For very small movements hold the Step by Step key down and press an arrow key, each press will move the router one step. Clicking on an axis coordinate and using the mouse wheel for stepping is another option.

Note: Some operations will turn keyboard control off. If the numpad is unresponsive press the bNP ON (only) key to turn it back on.


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